Day 22 of 40 Days of Prayer

26 through faith in Christ Jesus you are all now God’s sons. 27 All you who have been baptized in Christ’s name have put on the person of Christ;[a] 28 no more Jew or Gentile, no more slave and freeman, no more male and female; you are all one person in Jesus Christ. 29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are indeed Abraham’s children; the promised inheritance is yours. (Galatians 3:26-29 KNOX)
Galatians 3:27 ‘Have put on the person of Christ’; literally, ‘have put on Christ’, as in Rom. 13.14; here, St Paul refers to that obliteration of distinctions between man and man which results from our incorporation into Christ.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much that we can call ourselves children of God. Thank you that we can say we have an inheritance in you. Thank you that upon our Salvation, we have literally become new creations in Christ.  Gone away is the old sinful person, we have the mighty and powerful authority of Christ living in us; shining through our old exterior and changing us from the inside out. Thank you God that there is no difference among your children; we all have the same Christ in us. Thank you that we can look to the fruits we bear to show others who your children are - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  May we always remember, that as your ambassadors here on Earth, everything we do is for your glory. 

We ask for forgiveness of our sins; sins that have caused us to bare the wrong fruit - sins that have cast a shadow on your light. We don't want to lead anyone astray, so we pray that any foothold would be broken before it becomes a stronghold of the enemy - so that we can live for you and not for ourselves. We pray for our nation and our leaders; we pray that they would honor you with rightful living and to bear the good fruit of your Spirit. We pray that our leaders would show the same mercy and grace that you have shown us. We pray for those that don’t know you, that a laborer would be sent across their path- just like the Ethiopian that Phillip was guided to by your Holy Spirit, they would accept Jesus as their Savior and be baptized. 

We also pray for each heart that allowed the bitterness of the world to creep in and harden their hearts; that their hearts would be softened and allow forgiveness back into their lives so they could draw close to you again God.  We pray that the people’s eyes would be opened, that hearts would be receptive to you and your Word – that this election would be a landslide in the favor of the candidate that would help our country seek you and your will. We pray that every attack of the enemy would be stopped right in its tracks, without the ability to damage this election and this country’s return to you. We pray for the boldness of your people, for the prayers of your children to be lifted up in unity across this country and the world. We thank you God in advance; because your Word tells us that when your people join together in prayer, humble ourselves, seek after you and turn away from our sins, that you will heal our land – so thank you God, thank you for healing our land, thank you for your forgiveness, your favor and blessings upon our country and your people. We give you all the honor and glory and in your Son Jesus’ name we pray ~ AMEN

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Stir Me Up Lord!: Day 22 of 40 Days of Prayer

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 22 of 40 Days of Prayer

26 through faith in Christ Jesus you are all now God’s sons. 27 All you who have been baptized in Christ’s name have put on the person of Christ;[a] 28 no more Jew or Gentile, no more slave and freeman, no more male and female; you are all one person in Jesus Christ. 29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are indeed Abraham’s children; the promised inheritance is yours. (Galatians 3:26-29 KNOX)
Galatians 3:27 ‘Have put on the person of Christ’; literally, ‘have put on Christ’, as in Rom. 13.14; here, St Paul refers to that obliteration of distinctions between man and man which results from our incorporation into Christ.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much that we can call ourselves children of God. Thank you that we can say we have an inheritance in you. Thank you that upon our Salvation, we have literally become new creations in Christ.  Gone away is the old sinful person, we have the mighty and powerful authority of Christ living in us; shining through our old exterior and changing us from the inside out. Thank you God that there is no difference among your children; we all have the same Christ in us. Thank you that we can look to the fruits we bear to show others who your children are - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  May we always remember, that as your ambassadors here on Earth, everything we do is for your glory. 

We ask for forgiveness of our sins; sins that have caused us to bare the wrong fruit - sins that have cast a shadow on your light. We don't want to lead anyone astray, so we pray that any foothold would be broken before it becomes a stronghold of the enemy - so that we can live for you and not for ourselves. We pray for our nation and our leaders; we pray that they would honor you with rightful living and to bear the good fruit of your Spirit. We pray that our leaders would show the same mercy and grace that you have shown us. We pray for those that don’t know you, that a laborer would be sent across their path- just like the Ethiopian that Phillip was guided to by your Holy Spirit, they would accept Jesus as their Savior and be baptized. 

We also pray for each heart that allowed the bitterness of the world to creep in and harden their hearts; that their hearts would be softened and allow forgiveness back into their lives so they could draw close to you again God.  We pray that the people’s eyes would be opened, that hearts would be receptive to you and your Word – that this election would be a landslide in the favor of the candidate that would help our country seek you and your will. We pray that every attack of the enemy would be stopped right in its tracks, without the ability to damage this election and this country’s return to you. We pray for the boldness of your people, for the prayers of your children to be lifted up in unity across this country and the world. We thank you God in advance; because your Word tells us that when your people join together in prayer, humble ourselves, seek after you and turn away from our sins, that you will heal our land – so thank you God, thank you for healing our land, thank you for your forgiveness, your favor and blessings upon our country and your people. We give you all the honor and glory and in your Son Jesus’ name we pray ~ AMEN

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